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Project Details

Title:Technology and Workforce Development for Remote Sensing of the Transportation Infrastructure
Principal Investigators:J. Bruce Rafert and Raj Bridgelall
University:North Dakota State University
Grant #:DTRT13-G-UTC38 (MAP21)
Project #:MPC-460
Keywords:asset management, cloud computing, data mining, drone aircraft, image analysis, mobile computing, remote sensing, risk assessment, signal processing, technological innovations


The primary goal of this study is to assess and develop means(including airframe and sensor integration, and demonstration flights) of optimizing hyperspectral remote sensing for use with lightweight (less than 50 pounds) unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and to provide the relevant training necessary for future practitioners to construct and deploy full solutions. A secondary objective will be to investigate the use of ground or vehicle based hyperspectral systems. A variety of knowledge domain experts in signal processing, image analysis, data mining, data management, geospatial analysis, optics, rules-based engines, cloud computing and mobile computing are needed to implement complete solutions. Effective implementations will generally merge cross-disciplinary expertise to analyze the fusion of data from a variety of sources to quantify performance and assess risks, threats, and vulnerabilities in the transportation system (Bridgelall 2014). The transformation of remote sensing data into actionable information requires forms of signal processing and data analysis that are still evolving and/or not yet fully understood. The associated decision-support platforms and asset management systems rely on tailoring multidisciplinary aspects of the full solution to remote sensing applications for maximum effectiveness in realizing their potential benefits while reducing the complexity of human interfaces. Educators have placed little, if any, attention on inventorying the skill sets and workforce availability for personnel who can process and derive actionable information from these data sources.

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NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050