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Project Details

Title:Developing an Optimization Model for Managing County Paved Roads, Year 1
Principal Investigators:Khaled Ksaibati and Promothes Saha
University:University of Wyoming
Grant #:DTRT13-G-UTC38 (MAP21)
Project #:MPC-472
RH Display ID:15660
Keywords:condition surveys, optimization, pavement management systems, roads, rural areas


Any Pavement Management System (PMS) consists of two basic components: a comprehensive database and a set of tools or methods that can assist decision makers in establishing cost effective strategies for evaluating and maintaining pavements. The comprehensive database should contain current and historical information on pavement condition, structure, and traffic. The set of tools or optimization techniques will determine existing and future pavement conditions, predict financial needs, as well as identify and prioritize pavement preservation projects. In 2014, WYDOT and the State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) funded a research project to develop a comprehensive database for county paved roads. As part of that study, a comprehensive data collection effort was conducted by the Wyoming T2/LTAP center to collect roadway inventory data, traffic counts, roadway widths, pavement condition data and roadway thickness. This proposal seeks to develop the second component of PMS which includes developing a set of tools to optimize the conditions of county paved roads.

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