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Project Details

Title:Redefining the Child Pedestrian Safety Paradigm
Principal Investigators:Wesley Marshall and Bruce Janson
University:University of Colorado Denver
Grant #:DTRT13-G-UTC38 (MAP21)
Project #:MPC-515
RH Display ID:153271
Keywords:bicycling, built environment, fatalities, parks, pedestrian education, pedestrian safety, playgrounds, recreational facilities, school children, schools, traffic safety education, trails


With the benefits of having children independently walk and bike, and the tremendously poor safety records currently, we need to improve the situation. A comprehensive approach to this problem must include education efforts for child pedestrians and bicyclists. However, we also require a better understanding of the problem itself and the role of the built environment in supporting or inhibiting safe active transportation for children. This work aims to be a piece in the puzzle of the Vision Zero effort to help increase the safety and proclivity of childhood walking and bicycling.

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