Title: | Forging a Path to Vision Zero in the US: A Critical Analysis of Road Safety in Australia |
Principal Investigators: | Wesley Marshall |
University: | University of Colorado Denver |
Status: | Completed |
Year: | 2017 |
Grant #: | 69A3551747108 (FAST Act) |
Project #: | MPC-556 |
RH Display ID: | 15670 |
Keywords: | alternatives analysis, highway design, highway safety, policy, standards, travel behavior |
This research seeks to test plausible hypotheses for the country-level differences in road safety outcomes to see if they hold true. For instance, are there differences in vehicle standards or occupant protection between the US and Australia? Do we design our streets and intersections differently? How does travel behavior – and in turn exposure – differ for Americans versus Australians? Are there differences in obtaining a driver's license, enforcement efforts, or drunk driving policies or rates? Are there more overarching differences in terms of policy or built environments that might play a role?
At the conclusion of the project, we will have a better understanding of the similarities and differences in road safety outcomes between these two countries and be able to point to key policy or design differences as beneficial to Australia's road safety outcomes, or inversely, detrimental to those in the US. Beyond enhancing knowledge with respect to the aforementioned research questions, this project will also advance policy and practice with respect to improving road safety, progress the education and training of students, and build an evidence base by disseminating findings via presentations and publications.
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