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Project Details

Title:Optimal Deployment of Dynamic Charging Lanes for Plug-in Hybrid Trucks
Principal Investigators:Ziqi Song and Patrick Singleton
University:Utah State University
Grant #:69A3551747108 (FAST Act)
Project #:MPC-558
RiP #:01656117
RH Display ID:15668
Keywords:costs, deployment, electric vehicle charging, location, optimization, plug-in hybrid vehicles, route choice, travel time, truck drivers, truck lanes, trucks


To effectively implement charging-while-driving (CWD) technology in trucking freight transportation, charging lanes need to be strategically deployed in the road network connecting logistics centers, such as ports, terminals, and distribution centers. The charging lane deployment problem is twofold. First, it is necessary to determine the optimal location for the construction of charging lanes. Second, one must consider the influence of deployed charging lanes on the route choice behaviors of drivers, especially drivers of PHETs (plug-in hybrid electric trucks). The behaviors of drivers in a transportation network are usually described with a user equilibrium (UE) assignment model. Although a number of studies have formulated UE models considering electric vehicles (e.g., Jiang et al., 2012, 2014; He et al., 2014, 2015, 2016; Chen et al., 2016), none of them are capable of describing the behaviors of PHET drivers in a network with charging lanes. An electric motor has much higher energy efficiency than an ICE, and as a result, PHET drivers can significantly reduce fuel costs by consuming electricity instead of petroleum fuel (Granovskii et al., 2006; Nanaki and Koroneos, 2013; USDOE, 2017). Therefore, PHET drivers may simultaneously consider travel time and fuel costs when traveling from their origin to their destination and may prefer routes with charging lanes. These two problems should be treated simultaneously in a network setting.

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