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Project Details

Title:Assessing Teen Driver Safety Parent Advisory Letter Intervention in Early and Full Implementation Phases
Principal Investigators:Kimberly Vachal
University:North Dakota State University
Grant #:69A3551747108 (FAST Act)
Project #:MPC-567
RH Display ID:15466
Keywords:evaluation and assessment, graduated licensing, parents, regression analysis, safety programs, surveys, teenage drivers


Teen drivers are an at-need group with regard to driver safety. They are disproportionately over-represented in North Dakota crashes, with teens accounting for only 4% of the driver population and accounting for 10% of crashes (Vachal and Malchose 2009). The ability to effectively improve safety performance for these drivers at the population level as well as among at-risk individual drivers is valuable to public safety. The goal of this project is to conduct assessments of a teen driver intervention aimed at improving public safety through parent intervention. The letter intervention is administered at the driver level. Survey and regression methods will be used in the assessments. Parent perception and action will be studied in the early and full implementation phases. In addition, teen driver risk factors in early licensure and parents' roles in monitoring and guidance will be explored for future program improvements. Findings from this research will be used by policymakers and program administrations to refine programs for teen driver training and interventions.

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NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050