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Project Details

Title:Mitigation of Flooding-Related Traffic Disruptions with Green Infrastructure Stormwater Management
Principal Investigators:Aditi Bhaskar and Suren Chen
University:Colorado State University
Grant #:69A3551747108 (FAST Act)
Project #:MPC-568
RH Display ID:149945
Keywords:drainage structures, floods, implementation, infrastructure, runoff, simulation, sustainable development, traffic, urban highways


This project focuses on the mitigation of flooding-related traffic disruptions by implementation of green infrastructure stormwater management. Traffic disruptions can be caused during flooding events in urban areas when the existing stormwater management is not effective at stormwater drainage from roadways. Green infrastructure stormwater management uses infiltration and harvest of stormwater to reduce stormwater volumes. Urban roadway flooding will be modeled under the current conditions, as well as under scenarios of green infrastructure implementation. Then, this project will undertake a probabilistic simulation of the effect of green infrastructure implementation on traffic disruptions in a semi-arid urban area in the Front Range of Colorado. This project will quantify the effectiveness of green infrastructure stormwater management for reducing traffic disruptions.

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