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Project Details

Title:A Feasibility Study for Establishing a Regional Road Track Pavement Testing Facility in Wyoming
Principal Investigators:Marwan Hafez and Khaled Ksaibati
University:University of Wyoming
Grant #:69A3551747108 (FAST Act)
Project #:MPC-633
RiP #:01926379
RH Display ID:154752
Keywords:benefit cost analysis, feasibility analysis, pavement performance, test facilities


Road testing provides a logical method to test pavement materials and structures under actual traffic loading and environmental conditions. Although different experiments of road testing track were conducted in several states, no road track testing facility was developed in the dry-freeze climatic region for regional research. The state of Wyoming presents a unique opportunity to be the home for a regional facility of road testing track. Wyoming's Interstate 80 provides approximately traffic loads of 2 million Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL) per year which can cause accumulated damage on test sections in a timely manner. This proposal identifies the feasibility of building the regional testing facility on Wyoming's I-80. The proposal will determine the benefit cost impact of the testing facility and identify potential experiments of cutting-edge investigations in pavement design, materials, construction, and management. The study will be divided into two phases where the first phase will focus only on the feasibility study to obtain sufficient relevant information for building and operating the regional testing facility. The results from this study are expected to provide informed decisions for the implementation of pavement testing in the regional facility in the second phase.

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