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Research Projects (2007-08)

Project Title

Vision Drive Safe: Regional Rural Transportation Safety Conference


North Dakota State University

Project Investigator

Kimberly Vachal

Description of Project Abstract

Creating a safer transportation system is a strategic goal of the U.S. Department of Transportation and many state transportation agencies. Safe travel and secure transportation are essential public services that are influenced by a wide array of policies and individual choices. Yet, in comparison to many other developed nations the U.S. lags in its efforts to ensure a safe driving environment (Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development, 2006). In addition, local food contamination episodes and global terrorist events have resulted in an enhanced stature of security in personal and freight mobility.

The rural U.S. plays a significant role in furthering transportation safety and security for the nation as a whole. Rural road traffic safety has been identified as a target area for U.S. traffic safety (The Road Information Program, 2005; U.S. Department of Transportation, 2005). Programs such as the FHWA High Risk Rural Roads (HR3) program are designed to focus data collection, evaluation, and engineering improvements on dangerous and oft neglected types of rural roadways. In addition, NHTSA offers several programs to promote rural roads safety through education and policy initiatives such as local Safe Communities traffic safety coalitions and efforts surrounding primary seatbelt legislation. Transportation safety issues for rural areas are associated with commercial vehicles and hazardous materials movements.

Project Objectives

The goal of this project is to provide a forum for the presentation of ideas and an exchange of knowledge regarding rural traffic safety and security among a diverse audience to include industry, policy makers, academia, and public sector stakeholders. Within this goal, a conference event will be developed in cooperation with four state Departments of Transportation, including Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. An overarching theme for the conference is proposed as "Vision Drive Safe." The final theme, critical issues, and specific sessions will be defined in cooperation with stakeholder partners.

Project Approach/Methods

The conference will provide a venue for multi-state exposure to overarching national initiatives along with focused discussions on human factors, roadway characteristics, and enforcement in traffic safety; along with transportation security issues such as critical infrastructure, hazardous materials issues, and disaster planning and operations. An initial conference draft program is attached as an Appendix. Given the prominent role that the public sector plays in the 4E's, this event will provide a valuable platform for peer-learning and innovative idea exchange that contribute to safe and secure transportation in rural areas.

Contributions/Potential Applications of Research

Discussions among researchers, policy makers, and practitioners will offer insight for each of these groups in prioritizing activities, defining strategies, setting agendas, and pooling resources for effective and efficient delivery of traffic safety programs.

Technology Transfer Activities

Research priorities and information needs identifies through this conference would be of interest to other rural states that need to deal with efficiently creating an integrated approach to implementing new traffic safety initiatives.

Time Duration

July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008

Yearly and Total Project Cost


TRB Keywords

Safety, highway

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050