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Research Projects (2009-10)

Identifying Number


Project Title

Utah Department of Transportation Traffic Operations Center Operator Training, Year 3


University of Utah

Project Investigator

Peter T. Martin, Professor
University of Utah Traffic Lab
122 S. Central Campus Dr. Rm 104
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0561
Phone: 801 581-4151
E-mail: peter@trafficlab.utah.edu

Description of Project Abstract

Trained operators monitor traffic through cameras, radio communications, and software alerts at the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) Traffic Operations Center (TOC). Their role is to transmit information to minimize the disruption and risk of incidents and recurrent congestion. The operators are recruited and trained by TOC personnel, 'on-the-job'. There are problems with this arrangement. UDOT wastes time and effort training 'on-the-job'. Operators spend a disproportionate time in training because the turnover is high. Training can be ad-hoc with inconsistent competences.

This proposal details a partnership between UDOT and the University of Utah Traffic Laboratory (UTL). The partnership will deliver a formalized training program whereby new recruits will be trained and certified in the Traffic Lab. The benefits to UDOT are:

  • A structured training program, which will prepare new hires quickly for their work.
  • A standardized training whereby hires are certified.
  • A back-up pool of trained operators who can substitute in the event of temporary shortages of trained operators.

Project Objectives

  1. Upgrade and configure UTL TOC to ensure compatibility with UDOT TOC
  2. Prepare one graduate research assistant to learn the job of a TOC operator, through traditional 'on-the-job' training
  3. Install VISUM online (also known as "PTV Traffic Platform") to enable the development of training simulation scenarios.
  4. Develop tabletop training exercises
  5. Devise in-service operator training materials on a web platform
  6. Develop Training Manual and Training Program
  7. Demonstrate training program to experienced TOC Operators to solicit critique
  8. Modify and refine program
  9. Train first 'recruits' and monitor their performance at the UDOT TOC
  10. Refine program on the basis of recruit feed-back

Project Approach/Methods

Three types of training will be provided:

(i) New operator training: an intensive continuous two-week hands-on course, which will provide new operators with the basic skills to operate the software and handle routine tasks. This will be delivered at both the UTL and the TOC.

(ii) Ongoing in-service classroom training. These will be classes of two to four hours in length to provide advanced training on technical topics such as traffic flow theory, traffic signal operation, variable message sign composition, etc. These classes will serve both new recruits and those needing in-career training. They will be available in both 'live' and recorded video format.

(iii) Tabletop exercise simulation training. Operators will participate in exercises simulating major traffic incidents, natural disasters, homeland security incidents, or special events. Real-time simulations will be delivered using the PTV America "Traffic Platform".

MPC Critical Issues Addressed by the Research

a. Focus Areas Addressed by Research:

FA 11 - Traffic Operations and Management; FA 14 - Multimodal Policy and Investment Assessment; FA 17 - Environmental Impacts of Infrastructure.

b. Critical Issues Addressed by Research:

  • FA 11 - Longer-term traffic strategies.
  • FA 14 - Benefit-costs analysis of transportation network investments.

Contributions/Potential Applications of Research

The benefits to the MPC are:

  • Improved collaboration with the TOC enabling the Utah Traffic Lab (UTL) to be more in tune with the TOC's capabilities, developments, and challenges.
  • Better access to data to support UDOT sponsored research.
  • A meaningful applied training opportunity for a steady flow of graduate students.

Technology Transfer Activities

Trained Operators will be competent in 4 categories:

  1. Basic traffic engineering
  2. Policy & Procedures
  3. TOC software
  4. Scenario simulations

Time Duration

July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010

Total Project Cost


MPC Funds Requested


TRB Keywords

Training, traffic monitoring, traffic measurement

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