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Research Projects (2001-02)

Identifying Number


Project Title

Evaluation of the I-15 High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes


University of Utah

Project Investigator

Peter T. Martin
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah

External Project Contact


Project Objective

To evaluate the effectiveness of the newly installed High Occupancy Vehicle lanes, installed in the metropolitan area of Salt Lake City. Evaluate the impact of HOV lanes on I-15, alternate routes, and transit (carpool, vanpool, and light rail). Determine the flow parameters in the HOV lanes and in the other travel lanes. Recommend any changes to the existing HOV operations policies or procedures. Transite usage through construction(before, during, after).

Project Abstract

One of the main objectives of the I-15 HOV lanes is to increase the average number of persons per vehicle. The HOV lanes will have an impact on travel patterns on the mainline and possibly have an effect on adjacent alternate routes. Knowing this impact is important to make policy decisions or before any changes are made. Such changes might include the decision to implement HOV lanes on other freeways in the area, or to decide the minimum passenger level (2 passengers or 3 passengers) allowed in the lane. Violation rates should also be measured because they are an indicator of the public acceptance of the new lanes. The impacts on alternate routes also need to be assessed.

Task Descriptions

The research will provide a detailed report, a workshop, and a TRB publication.

Milestones, Dates

  • Starting Date: July 1, 2001
  • Project Milestones:
  • Ending Date: June 30, 2002

Yearly and Total Budget


Student Involvement

Two graduate students; one thesis

Relationship to Other Research Projects


Technology Transfer Activities


Potential Benefits of the Project

This research will determine whether the innovative use of space as applied to HOV lanes will prove effective.

TRB Keywords

Traffic monitoring, intelligent transportation systems, transportation system evaluation, advanced traffic management systems

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050